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Top Tips: Styling Your New Melbourne Square Apartment

- 20/05/2020

Choosing the right furniture and styling your apartment does not always have to be as daunting as it seems. In fact, we believe the styling process should be one of the most rewarding parts of owning a new home.

If you are unsure where to start, our partners at Huntley Furniture and Coco Republic are offering beautifully curated furniture packages at discounted rates exclusively to Melbourne Square residents, which can bring elegance into any setting.

For those who are looking for inspiration when it comes to styling your new apartment – do not despair! We have put together a step-by-step guide designed to highlight ways that will get your space singing, and most importantly, feeling like a home.

Tip #1 - Document the things you like

Creating a scrapbook or inspiration board will help you put all your ideas for your apartment in one place. Using websites or apps like Pinterest are a perfect place to get started and allow you to add or remove things quickly and easily. Once you have captured ideas here, you can begin reflecting them in your own apartment – do not be afraid to put your own spin on it!

Tip #2 – Respect your statement pieces

Over-complication and over-population are issues that can lead to your ‘hero furniture’ items becoming lost in the crowd. If you have a particular piece you want to showcase in your home – perhaps a comfy armchair – it is important to give it the space it needs to remain noticeable among its peers. Start by identifying these special pieces and then build around them.

Tip #3 – Add some artwork

Adding some artwork to your walls is an excellent way to bring character into your home and show off your tastes. Did you know many people unintentionally hang their art pieces too high? Always remember to hang your works at eye-level for maximum affect.

With Melbourne’s world-class arts precinct just a short walk from your door, there are lots of places to be inspired while deciding on which style is the right fit for you!

Tip #4 – Add some greenery

The addition of indoor plants and other ‘natural pops’ is a great way to bring some life into your home. Real indoor plants are also a great way to get children active and learning about the natural world. When it comes to choosing the right plants for your home, our great friends at The Plant Society have a range of species suitable for indoors as well as information to get you started!


Tip #5 – Give a throw a go

If you are looking to inject more vibrancy into your home, a patterned throw and considered set of pillows can help take your apartment to the next level. When picking your new throw and cushion set, it is important to make sure they look like they belong in their environment. Below are a couple of examples of our furnished apartments where a thoughtfully placed throw and cushions have elevated a bedroom.

We hope this blog helps you on your apartment styling journey! Let us know how much you love your new Melbourne Square apartment by tagging @melbsquare in a photo of your beautiful home on Instagram!

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