OSK Group is a conglomerate with businesses in Malaysia, Vietnam and Australia across property development and investment, financial services, construction, industries and hospitality.
Its ultimate holding company, OSK Holdings Berhad (OSKH), has been listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia since 1991. The OSK Property team has a strong development and investment presence in Malaysia.
COX Architecture is a multidisciplinary Australian practice which integrates architecture, planning, urban design and interior design. The practice is established in multiple cities across Australia, Malaysia and the Middle East, with around 400 staff.
Cox is unusual for a large multi-studio practice in that it works to a defined design ethos in all studios. This ethos is based upon principles of structure, craft, art and nature.
Carr is one of Australia’s best regarded architecture and interior design firms. Based in Melbourne and with a history of more than 40 years, the firm specialises in projects with an overriding mission of producing design excellence.
Renowned for creating extraordinary homes that are as practical as they are inspiring, and which deliver an elevated quality of life.
T . C . L
Since 1989, Taylor Cullity Lethlean has worked in a multiplicity of public settings from urban waterfronts to desert walking trails. TCL is known for its quality, commitment and surprisingly simple yet rich environments which support the life of the communities they serve.
In each project a detailed exploration of context, site and community enriches the experience of its built landscapes.